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Tales of Youth - Phonics Books - Digital



Digital version of our Tales of Youth phonics books. This series of twenty six short phonics books is written in large type and features heartwarming tales of animals, family and... Lightning Woman?!

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**Note: This is the digital version of Tales of Youth. For the softcover print version, please click here.


Click here to see how you can use Tales of Youth in any phonics program!


This series of twenty six short phonics books is written in large type and features heartwarming tales of animals, friends, family and... Lightning Woman?! This series matches our concepts nearly one for one and is the perfect way to take early readers through our program.


Our most popular elementary series begins with Ocean Fun written at a 1.0 reading level and all one syllable words. Each subsequent book incorporates additional phonics concepts and raises reading difficulty, ultimately progressing to The Captain, written at a 5.9 reading level.


Reading Level: 1.0 - 6.0

Genre: Children's / Family /

Inside: Practice Pages/Text/B&W Digital Art

Size: 5 - 24 pages long

Binding: Staple Stitch Soft Cover and Digital Version Available

Phonics Concepts: One Syllable - Multi Syllable, Closed, Open, Consonant Teams (digraphs), Blends, Tall King Think Words (sight words), Vowel Tag (vc/cv, vc/v), Vowel Change (v/cv), Silent E, R Controlled Vowels, Diphthongs, Walkers (vowel teams), Most Kind Old Words (sight words), Yellows (complex vowel teams), Reds (advanced vowel teams), Soft & Hard C & G, Final Syllables

Have a look!

Start your first adventure! Read Ocean Fun, book one of Tales of Youth. 

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